Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mmm, DingleBerries

Okay, hopefully some of this fine blogs viewers are familiar with the amazing site This site essentially is a huge news and humor compost, I hope that is a good enough of a comparison. People find articles, pictures, videos, etc. and submit them to digg and from there they might or might not gain popularity. Some of the best things on the web I have found I found on digg, from info about the new iPods to Halo 3, to just funny pictures and videos in general. Take this picture for instance, those two men should really switch seats, or change their last names. Especially mister Dingle, I mean who keeps the last name Dingle, even his parents I think would have been better off to change their last name. Then again, who were they to know that their child would play football and meet a Mr. Berry and become best of buds. (Sarcasm) In other internet news, it looks like a Britney Spears fan boy has decided to exceed that status and move up to mental disorder similar to Robin Williams in the movie where he works are a photo booth, the name escapes me. This video might allow you to better gauge the man/girl's psychosis related to the has been pop-star.

Along with this video has come a slew of parodies from people from random people off the street to Seth Green, who puts in a nice little sales pitch for Robot Chicken in the end.(Note: Seth Green's parody is made in defense of Chris Crocker, the person who was defending Britney.)

One last note, is it me or does anyone else find it slightly amusing that two grown men in the music business decide to make a ridiculous wager over their album sales? Obviously I am talking about 50 Cent and Kanye West. Essentially the wager goes down like this. 50 Cent wanted to think he was some big bad rapper and thought he was better than Kanye. To prove this point, he went publicly and challenged Kanye to more or less and dual of album sales, saying that if Kanye beat him that he would no longer put out anymore solo albums. I don't think Kanye had anything on the line with this wager so 50 made a big mistake there. So September 11th rolls around, and the sales war is off. As of Thursday, 50 Cent decided to go onto a radio show and claim that he will go to war with Kanye's label essentially because he is behind in album sales by roughly one hundred fifty thousand. Now tell me that doesn't sound like someone was being a sore sport.


Insignificant Wrangler said...

The first time I saw the "Leave Brit Alone" video, I didn't think it could possibly be serious. It is the kind of video that seriously gets me questioning humanity's potential. Perhaps that's too harsh.

Its also the kind of video that I find too disturbing to be funny. While I'm probably in the minority on this one, watching someone in that much agony over media treatment of a pop celebrity doesn't scream "hilarity" to me as much as it doesn "psychosis."

The Seth Green video seems to be kicking a down dog to me... I'm not sure its actually defending Crocker. Whatever. I find Green a lot funnier when he's using toys I grew up with.

Anon said...

Robot Chicken is quite hilarious, essentially because of its randomness in my mind, as well as using toys to show twisted versions of what we already know. The Chris Crocker thing, I guess is a different kind of humor that is selective and only certain people would find funny. The first time I watched it I just had to turn it of because it just seemed to surreal. I was thinking, "Are there really people out there who are that into celebrities?" You also have to take into consideration that he had to know before hand that lots of people were going to view this. If he didn't want these parodies out there, the video should not have been posted. That particular video also gained media attention, Fox News specifically. After which Chris decided to put another video up which has been taken down saying that he is prettier than one of the news anchors would ever be, the name of the female anchor escapes me right now.

Lucy in the Sky said...

The "Leave Brit Alone" video is pretty funny (and kind of scary, actually) but the thing that made me laugh in your post was the Dingle Berry. It just popped up on the screen and your title was hilarious as well. What are the chances that those two players would be sitting next to each other. Ha, I love it.