Friday, October 5, 2007

Bucky Goldstein

Deadpan rocks. It takes a special person to be able to pull off a successful deadpan routine. How on earth does somebody make hundreds of people laugh, but not laugh themselves? The best deadpan comic I've seen is Steven Wright. He is full of one-liners. He will throw in the occasional paragraph long joke, but he never has a full story. Just quips.
Check this video on youtube. It's probably the best one of his that I have seen. He thinks of things that no one ever should.
"It's a good thing there's gravity, or birds would just stay up there when they die."
Honestly, how does anyone think of that. Ridiculous. Still funny though.
I did find one story of his, which I find hilarious. It's done by other people, so they took his audio, and gave it a cartoon. It's called, Steven Wright: on a bus. Perhaps this isn't really funny, but as a Jewish cowboy myself, I can hope. I can hope.
Check those videos out. I hope you like them. Enjoy your weekend and come back fresh on Monday. Peace out, y'all.

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