Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can Vegetarians Eat Animal Crackers?

George Carlin is probably best known for his “Seven Words You Can’t Say on TV” skit. What most people forget is the fact that he is also a master of the English language. If you doubt me, check out this video titled, “Modern Man.” This is the greatest example of the ins and outs of language. If you want to look at exactly what he says, click here. (The quote is about halfway down the page).

Carlin is old. I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just fact. The man has been around forever. But that’s the great thing about him. His comedy comes from experience. He can make the jokes about life, about decisions that screw you in the long run, even when they seem like a good idea at the time. He has been around for a lot of history in this country. His best material comes from a satirical commentary on the development of the country. My personal favorite quote of his is about the American Dream. After expounding on the faults of the government, the corruption of power, and the old idea of the rich grow richer while the poor grow poorer, he says, “The reason they call it the American Dream is: you have to be asleep to believe it.”

He may not be the most positive or charming of people, but his points are valid. He may be satirical, cranky, even completely insane, but he makes you think about things. He is never funny just for the sake of laughter. His comedy is aimed at starting action. He forces us to question the things we take for granted. Why does progress usually come at the expense of something else? Why do those in power seem unable to deal with responsibility? Why do we care about the meaning of life? According to Carlin, the meaning of life is to not die.

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