Sunday, September 23, 2007

Halo= Death

So once again I was on digg and I cam across this video which depicts the future of the world thanks to Halo. I think anyone who has played the game and become infatuated by it as well as saw how crazy it gets on release day will find the humor in this video. I personally thought it was funny so I can only hope that my audience will feel the same. Without further ado, here is the video.

EDIT: Ok, so last night I decided to play Halo 3 thanks to a friend of mine in Lafayette. Anyways, as I was playing I could realize how the game becomes to infatuating for people, especially this new one and on Xbox live. Halo 3 has been able to add a map editing application as well as multi-player online co-op. These new additions as well as the new weapons, the revival of the original assault rifle, and the killer graphics means that there will be even more people now missing classes, work, and various other tasks due to their inability to pull themselves away from the screen for the time needed to complete the tasks. I think this movie really does show what would happen if more and more people were to start playing halo religiously. Although the movie is a bit extreme, the game is just that addicting.

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