Saturday, September 8, 2007

I would like to just take the opportunity to use my first personal post to present some information about myself. I am currently a freshman at Purdue University and I love it here. It was the best decision that I have ever made. Originally I am from Massachusetts, about twenty minutes north of Boston. Being from Boston, I was basically forced to become a Red Sox fan but I still love watching them. Although being a Patriots fan over here right next to Indianapolis has led to much scrutiny, but I’ll live. (On a side note the Pats will beat the Colts yet again) I am a huge fan of any type of sports. Although the Purdue football team won’t be considered as a contender for the National Championship this year, at least we won’t be a group of has-beens (*cough* Michigan) (for those of you who don’t get it just go back to Pluto). My favorite comedian is Dane Cook. His quirky comedy just keeps on making me laugh no matter how many times I’ve heard that joke. That’s enough about my personal life. More about this amazing blog that should get better very soon.

For this blog I will attempt to focus on movies and TV shows. I will try to keep updated previews of upcoming comedy movies and then follow up those previews with reviews of those movies. I may also try to review DVD’s and their special features (which is definitely the best part of the DVD) once they come out I will also write about upcoming TV shows. My posts won’t be limited to movies and TV shows, I’ll write about anything that I found funny when I saw or heard it. But for the most part, my posts will be about those highly over priced movies and DVD’s.

For my first suggestion of a really funny movie is Hot Fuzz. Hot Fuzz is a comedy that was created by the same people who brought you Shaun of the Dead. The story line is compelling and it will take you through many twist and turns. The chemistry between Simon Pegg and Nick Frost just shows throughout the whole movie. Hot Fuzz has very subtle pieces of comedy which can be explained by the special features. The special features include trivia about the movie as you watch the movie and a short documentary about the promotion of Hot Fuzz. Overall I believe this DVD is worth the money that you will pay for it.


mocha said...

Ironically, I just made my roommate watch Hot Fuzz. : )
I agree about the special features. The "Hot Funk" version of some scenes is absolutely hilarious. I also love the other side of Danny's notebook. Some of the deleted scenes were funnier than others, but I think they're worth watching, just like the blooper reel is worth watching.

Insignificant Wrangler said...

I'm also a relocated Pats / Sox fan now living in the mid-west. Its not too bad since the people here are so much nicer than the people around Boston.

Its actually kind of funny, when the Pats lost to the Colts last year they wanted to brag and give me crap about it, but they just didn't know how.

The Yankees lose two in a row and I'm calling friends from NY.